
Safety Information


Hotel Information

  • 緊急時のご案内

    Safety Information

  • All guests must be familiar with the location of exits, fire alarms, and extinguishers upon arrival. These are marked on the back of the guest room doors.

    (Please touch FRONT DESK button on your room phone.)
    The SENDAI Washington Hotel is equipped with a state-of-the-art fire detection system, under the guidance of the local authorities, the police, the fire department and medical facilities. There are smoke detectors and sprinklers in all areas of the Hotel, including guest rooms. All areas of the Hotel are equipped with fire alarms, which are continuously monitored. All Hotel employees are well trained to respond to any emergency situations. In an emergency, the Hotel requests the guest's cooperation as shown below.

    If you find fire or smoke in your room, immediately call the Front Desk (Touch FRONT DESK button) to report the fire. In an emergency, the Hotel will communicate with all guests by announcing the status of an alarm over the Public Address System, first in Japanese followed by English. There is a speaker in every room.

    1. Extinguish all smoking materials immediately.
    2. When you leave the room, please check that all electrical appliances are off, the door is locked, and the windows are closed.
    3. Please do not use the elevator, use the exit stairway and follow the illuminated green “Emergency Exit” sign.
    4. Do not go back to the room to get your personal belongings.

    The Hotel has been constructed to resist earthquakes. If a small earthquake occurs, there will be no announcement through the hotel's Public Address System. For a severe earthquake, please follow these instructions.

    1. Extinguish all smoking materials immediately.
    2. Turn off all electrical appliances.
    3. Move away from the windows.
    4. Get under a sturdy table, desk or bed to protect your head against falling objects.
    5. Unlock the door by using the door latch (above door knob) and confirm the emergency exits as indicated.
    6. Do not use any elevator as it may stop. If you are already in the elevator, please push the phone button in the elevator to communicate with the Hotel staff.
    7. Please pay attention to the instructions over the Hotel's Public Address System.