
Bios Hill


Tourist Information

  • ビオスの丘

    Bios Hill

    • © OCVB

    • © OCVB

    • © OCVB

    • © OCVB

    • © OCVB

  • A natural botanical garden with the theme of Okinawa's forest and Orchid. There are exhibition on native and wild orchids, garden center, boat cruise, bouquet garden, subtropical plants, the world of small animals, and orchid market. The boat cruise is like Jungle Cruise!

    Open Hours▼
    9:00am - 6:00pm (entrance until 5:00pm)
    No Closed Days

    961-30 Ishikawakadekaru, Uruma City, Okinawa, 904-1114

    Take the No.20 bus (Nagonishi Line) and get off at Ishikawa Inter. Take the taxi (098-929-1818) to get to Bios Hill.